Terms and Conditions

Please go through all the Terms and Condition before you make a booking with us.

Note: It is notified that all the travel packages such as treks, tours, hikes, expeditions, peak climbing, adventure sports, and others are referred to as ‘trips’ unless mentioned otherwise.

Our Contract

The bookings you will be making are with Travel Bird Nepal Pvt. Ltd. [ ] Once the booking is made, you are liable to the agreed Terms and Conditions and your bookings will thus be accepted on such a basis.

Deposit Requirement  

  • For confirmation, you are required to pay a Refundable deposit of 30% of trip cost.
  • If the booking is made with 30 days of the departure date, then you are required to pay the full amount at the time of booking.

Acceptance of booking and final payments 

  • You will receive a confirmation invoice, once your booking is accepted, thus beginning our date of the contract.
  • You are required to pay the balance of the trip 30 days before the departure date.
  • If the amount is not paid on or before the due date, we acquire the right to cancel your booking.
  • To make the payment you can either use Bank Transfer or Credit Card (Master/Visa/American Express/Union Pay/JCB/SCT Card). The customer is required to fill the preferred payment option while form filling.

Your Details  

  • To confirm your booking, you must provide all requested details with the mentioned amount of the trip.
  • You are suggested to mention necessary details such as full name as per passport, date of birth, nationality, passport number, passport issue and expiry date and any pre-existing medical conditions you have which may affect your travel.
  • Cancellation by the traveler  
  • Cancellation fee must be paid in case of cancellation of some or all portion of the booking. Such cancellation is applicable when we receive the written confirmation of the cancellation.
  • If you cancel a trip:
    • 60 days or more prior to departure, we will keep the deposit.
    • Between 59 and 21 days prior to departure, we will retain 15% of the total booking cost.
    • 20 days or less prior to departure, we will retain 50% paid by you in connection with the booking.

Note that cancellation conditions may be different on some trips and additional services. Also, for certain travel arrangements, the cancellation charge may be higher than those mentioned. If you are not able to continue the trip after it has commenced, then we are not liable for any refunds for unused services. No refunds will be made if you fail to join the tour, join it after departure or leave before its completion. The above cancellation fees are additional to fees which may be charged by accommodation, flight, and transport fees.

Cancellation by us

  • Our trip shall be guaranteed once we have a fully paid traveler unless minimum group size specifies otherwise.
  • We reserve the right to cancel a trip at any time, due to terrorism, natural disasters, political instability or other external events when it is not viable for us to operate the planned itinerary.
  • In such a situation, we shall transfer amounts paid to an alternate departure date or provide a full refund.
  • We are not liable for incidental expenses incurred from your booking, visas, vaccinations and travel insurance excess or non-refundable flights.  

Booking Amendments 

  • Please notify us 15 days before if you wish to transfer from one trip to another or transfer the booking to a third party.
  • A charge of ZERO [0%] per person per change will be applicable (in addition to any charges levied by hotels, transport operators, or airlines).
  • Change in any other arrangements made will incur Zero administration fee per booking per change.
  • You will not be allowed to change your booking arrangement 10 days before departure.

Inclusions/ Exclusions  

  • For more detail on what is included and excluded in the trip, please visit individual pages of each trip.
  • All the services are as per the information at the website unless stated otherwise.

Age & Health Requirements

  • A minimum-age-criterion has to be fulfilled to undertake many of the trips- please send us the detail information.
  • If you are under the age of 10 a legal guardian must accompany the traveler.
  • For further queries, please contact us.

Passport and Visas 

  • You are liable to carry necessary documents such as a valid passport for 6 months beyond the duration of trip, visas, permits, and certificates for the countries you are visiting.
  • We are not accountable if you are refused entry because of failure to present the necessary documentation.

Travel Insurance

  • It is a must for travelers to have a travel insurance which includes medical coverage, air ambulance, and helicopter rescue services.
  • You are suggested to take out cancellation insurance.
  • You must be known that some policies do not restrict a cover for this type of travel.
  • Please make sure that the policy is appropriate enough to provide the level of protection for the activities.
  • Please carry a proof of insurance (your insurance certificate) with you during the trip.


  • Please be known that, In Nepal Himalayas travel needs considerable flexibility and thus, you should consider alternatives.
  • The route, schedules, itineraries, amenities and mode of transport provided may change without prior notice due to unforeseeable obstacles.

Authority on Tour

  • The group leader of the trip takes the final decision on all matters which may affect the safety or wellbeing of the travelers or staff members in the trip.
  • If you fail to conform to the decisions made, you will be directed to leave the trip immediately with no right of refund.
  • We may also not include you in any future trips.
  • You must conform to the laws, customs, foreign exchange, drugs and agree to travel in accordance with our responsible travel guidelines. 

Risk & Liabilities

  • Our company is focused to provide you with the best services and perform duties sincerely to make the journey smooth and unforgettable.
  • However, the entire journey is conducted under the country’s rules and regulation.

Thus, Travel Bird Nepal and its related organizations shall not be liable for any changes in the itinerary due to inevitable circumstances such as government restriction, road blockage, or political unrest. The traveler is responsible for any extra cost incurred from such an event.

Health & Fitness

  • All the members are required to be physically fit.
  • It is important to make sure that you are liable for necessary travel and health documents and additional medical charges before the departure.
  • The participants of the trip are also advised to consult their doctor for necessary vaccination and medical examinations prior to the trip.
  • The company is permitted to require a medical certificate prior to booking or departure of the trip.

Claims & Complaints

  • In case of any complaints, please inform the group leader or the local representative for immediate rectification.
  • If not yet satisfied, then send us the complaint in written format within 7 days of the end of the trip.

Applicable Law

  • In case of any disputes, the laws will be applicable under the Nepal Government which governs the Terms and Condition to the fullest extent.

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